Editorial requirements for texts addressed to review
  1. Sending deadline (2/2018): October 1, 2018
  2. Number of pages: 9-12, A4
  3. Marigins: standard
  4. Figures: editable, greyscale
  5. Text format: Times 12, 1,5 spacing
  6. Publication language: English (we accept Polish version for review process)
  7. Order:
    Author(s) name
    Aim and method
    Research results
    Abstract (800-1000 characters)
    Key words (3-5)
    JEL (2-3 codes)
    Contacting author(s) data



  1. Author’s statement – paper application
  2. Payment details
  3. Co-authorship statement
  4. Paper template
  5. Editorial requirements
  6. Statement on linguistic corrections and answers to reviewers











Editors respect principles of „ghostwriting” and „guest authorship”.

The editors of “Annals of Marketing Management&Economics” lead the policy of ghostwriting and guest authorship prevention.

Ghostwriting is the case of contributing a publication without revealing one’s participation as one of the authors or without reference to their role in the acknowledgments in the publication.

Guest authorship (honorary authorship) is the case of insignificant contribution of the author or its complete absence and nevertheless being the author or co-author of the publication. It is a sign of scientific misconduct and an expression of a lack of good manners.

To counter the indicated cases, the editors introduce the following procedure:

  • Each author signs a statement in which it indicates that the work submitted for publication is its own development, which does not infringe the rights of third parties.
  • The editors require that Authors should reveal individual co-authors’ contribution to the publication (a statement of individual affiliations and contribution should be provided, i.e. the information who is the author of the concepts, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used to prepare the publication). However, the author submitting the manuscript will chiefly be held responsible.
  • The editors reserve the right to reveal all aspects of scientific dishonesty, i.e. failure to comply with actions eliminating the occurrence of the aforementioned practices.
(According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education)